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  • Data Event London - Delegates networking
    Join the Rela8 Group TLC Connect CDO Summit in London 2024

    Imagine a place where the brightest minds in data converge, where innovation meets collaboration, and where the future of technology is shaped. Welcome to TLC Connect CDO Summit, London 2024, the data leaders event you won’t want to miss. It’s approaching fast and taking place on 23rd October. Event Highlights Why Attend our CDO Summit?…

  • Greeting virtual round table participants at a tech roundtable
    Virtual Round Tables vs In-Person Events: A Marketing Perspective

    In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, the debate between virtual round tables and in-person events continues to be a hot topic. As technology leaders and C-level executives seek the most effective ways to connect, collaborate, and innovate, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each format is crucial. Key Takeaways The Flexibility of Virtual Round Tables…

  • Classic Mercedes Benz car.
    How can Mercedes Benz help you elevate your ABM strategy?

    When you think of Mercedes Benz, what comes to mind? Luxury, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. But what if I told you that the principles driving this iconic brand could offer invaluable lessons for C-level tech leaders? Let’s dive into the world of Mercedes Benz and uncover the secrets that can elevate your…

  • ABM Tactics - Small intimate business meeting
    Utilising Small Events as ABM Tactics: A Guide for Marketing Leaders

    Imagine being able to connect with your most valuable prospects in an intimate setting, where meaningful conversations can flourish. Small events offer this unique opportunity, making them a powerful tool in your account-based marketing (ABM) strategy.

  • Why Outsourcing Small Events is Your Secret Weapon
    Unlock Event Success: Why Outsourcing Small Events is Your Secret Weapon

    Whilst not being in the small birthday parties for pets business, I have looked previously at why small focused events can offer distinct advantage for marketers such as a highly engaging, personalised, and cost-effective experience for a targeted audience. Read on to find out more.

  • Marketing Industry News & Highlights from the Rela8 Group
    Marketing Industry Highlights | 24th June

    In this edition I look at three articles that grabbed my attention in the last few weeks. This edition looks at review, understand and develop and whilst I will not be copywriting ‘RUD’ read on to follow the approach.

  • Small kitten sleeping on a human hand
    Why small events pack a big punch: 8 key benefits

    Marketeers are under pressure to extract maximum return from their budgets which can lead to leveraging the same tactics repeatedly and overlooking why small focused events can offer several distinct advantages, providing value in ways that larger events may not. Here are 8 key benefits for going small.

  • Marketing Industry News & Highlights from the Rela8 Group
    Marketing Industry Highlights | 28th May

    This post look at 3 topics from ‘How to level up as a Marketer’ through to ‘The statistics you need to know in 2024 for X’.

  • marketing professional driving sales pipeline
    Unlocking Pipeline Potential

    In today’s ever-changing business world, and increasing competition and tighter budgets, simply counting leads isn’t enough to ensure lasting growth, especially for marketing and sales professionals in the technology sector. As we journey through 2024, it’s essential to shift our focus towards strategies that emphasise lead quality over mere pipeline expansion.

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