Last week our team were at Tech Show London 2024…

…and we had an amazing time! TSL24 was as momentous an event as it was last year and it was an honour to be invited back to run a stand showcasing what we do for the community. Tech Show London is not 1 event, but 5: Cloud Expo Europe, DevOps Live, Cloud & Cyber Security Expo, Big Data & AI World, and Data Centre World, which collectively provide a comprehensive overview of different sectors within the tech industry. Over 14,850 attendees meet, collaborate, and gain insights from over 300 exhibitors showcasing the latest in technology.

This year’s event was an immersive journey into the latest trends and innovations with a wide array of insightful tech talks. But being in the industry of connecting people, what struck us most was the power of in-person communication.

Shaking hands and rubbing shoulders

Over the course of the two day show, we had the opportunity to meet and connect with so many members of technology community. We were humbled by the curiosity of everyone who came up to find out what we do, and when the majority of these conversations ended with, “so how can I join the Technology Leaders Club?” We felt more confident than ever in the value we bring.

We also had the pleasure of catching up with many of our existing community members. Tia Chaeng, Caroline Carruthers, Tim Grieveson – just a few of the familiar faces in the community who were more than happy to give us their time to talk about their takeaways from their speaking sessions and the wider show.

Tech Show London Rela8 Group Networking Events

The importance of face-to-face communication and networking in the tech industry has never been more clear. Through platforms like Tech Show London and our TLC Connect Summits, we can facilitate effortless connections between attendees and exhibitors in a way that goes beyond provider and customer.

Connecting with people

In-person events prioritise relationship building. By sitting down together and collaborating on shared challenges, every party walks away with something new: new insights, new connections, new plans for their organisation – we see it happen every day.

The opportunities inherent in events like private dinners, Wembley experiences, track days, and summits are obvious. By providing the community with technology networking events, we connect the leaders together to work towards positive change. Last week’s Tech Show is just more proof of the power of networking events.

To see more about the events we hold for the community, check out our services page, or to get involved in one of our upcoming events, check out the Technology Leaders Club.

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